January 7, 2013

Start Year Off Right

It's a new year! Time to make plans for the year ahead. For many, new year's preparation equates to resolving to get in shape, breaking a bad habit, or cleaning out a closet. For wise consumers though, getting in shape for the new year also includes an audit of your financial fitness.

One of the best places to start getting financially in shape for 2013 is with a review of your insurance coverage. A review of your insurance needs can save you money in both the short and long term. In the short term, a quick rate comparison of your current coverage to the rates other carriers may help lower your monthly expenses. In the long term, having an industry professional help you with comprehensive review of your needs can identify areas where your current coverage may be lacking; leaving you exposed to substantial financial burdens down the road. In either case, an independent broker like Frost Insurance Services, Inc. is the perfect place to compare rates and options from several insurance providers; insuring you get the best coverage for the lowest price.

Here are a few things to consider when reviewing your insurance coverage:
  1. Have you recently had a life changing event? Marriage, birth, divorce, death? All of those can affect your insurance needs. If you haven't updated your insurance since a life-impacting event, you could either be under-insured or paying for coverage you no longer need.
  2. Have your driving habits changed? If, say, your auto policy was originally written for a teenager or for a gas-guzzling SUV, your needs may have changed. If your teenager moved out of the house, you switched to a fuel-efficient compact, or even better, your driving record improved -- you may be paying for more insurance than you are using.
  3. Do you have new stuff? With Christmas only a week past, it is likely that you got some new "stuff" over the holidays that might require insurance protection. High dollar jewelry, electronics, art and the like may need to be covered under a special insurance rider. This is a great time to inventory your possessions and discuss with your agent which items may not be covered by your current homeowners insurance policy.  
  4. In better health? If you've recently gotten in shape, lost weight, stopped smoking, eliminated medications, or made other healthy changes in your life, you could be eligible for better health and life insurance rates. Even if you find you are not eligible, it could be helpful just knowing the parameters for preferred insurance rates so that you can set new health goals for the future.
The new year is a great time to get your finances in order, including speaking with your local independent insurance agent about a comprehensive review of your insurance needs. If you live in Tennessee, Kelley Frost at Frost Insurance Services, Inc. can perform a complete review of your current policies and offer you professional advice on how to affordably maximize your insurance coverage. Give him a call today -- 615-824-6541.

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